by Claremont Practice | Jan 21, 2021 | Children, Emotional Growth, Parenting
By Zeenat Osman-Nieftagodien. As we enter the New Year, we made sense of week one and at the foot of end two, we have been weary of making New Year’s resolutions or coining this year “our year”. This is understandable as 2020 taught as many valuable lessons,...
by Claremont Practice | Aug 18, 2015 | Parenting
By Mareli Fischer To whom it may concern ADHD PARENT TRAINING & SUPPORT GROUPS I am a clinical psychologist in private practice with a specific interest in dealing with children and teenagers who struggle with attention, inhibition and behaviour problems. I have...
by Claremont Practice | Sep 17, 2013 | Parenting
By: Kerry Acheson Few things invite more dread and tummy-butterflies than the word “exams” to a learner. Exams are a stressful event that requires coping. Yet exam-writing is inescapable and forms a large part of the schooling experience. While the onus is on the...
by Claremont Practice | Aug 21, 2013 | Parenting
By: Ilka Bezuidenhout Psychologists in private practice are continuing to experience an increase in parents requesting guidance in communication and discipline methods at home with their children. Previously parents would bring their children for individual therapy...
by Claremont Practice | Jul 23, 2012 | Parenting
by Sinmarie Pieterse What is anxiety? According to the well known internet source Wikipedia, anxiety is defined as: A psychological and physiological state characterized by somatic, behavioural, emotional and cognitive components (also called angst or worry). It is...