Book Club and Resource List

Please find below our Claremont Practice Book Club & Resource List. We would love to hear from you should you have read a book or watched a movie that was helpful, inspiring or enlightening. Please feel free to contact us at

Life purpose & Paradigm Shift in Beliefs

The Celestine Prophecy – James Redfield
The Tenth Insight – James Redfield
The Breakthrough Experience  – Dr. John De Martini
The Four Agreements – Don Miguel Ruiz
How to thrive and survive in any life crisis – Dr. Al Siebert
I Have Life – Alison Botha
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective people – Stephen Covey

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence, why it can matter more than IQ – Daniel Goleman
Working with Emotional Intelligence – Daniel Goleman
Self- Dr Linda Friedland
What colour is your Parachute?
When I loved myself enough – Kim McMillen

Shadow Work

The Dark Side of the Light Chasers – Debbie Ford
The Secret of the Shadow – Debbie Ford
Why Good People do Bad Things – Debbie Ford
Radical Forgiveness – Colin C. Tipping
Dare to Forgive – Dr. Edward Hallowell


The heart of Parenting , how to raise an Emotionally Intelligent Child – John Gottman
How to talk so kids will listen & listen so kids will talk – Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish
Siblings without Rivalry – Adele Faber & Elain Mazlish
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families – Stephen Covey
The 5 Love Languages – Gary Chapman
Introduction to Type and Communication – Donna Dunning
Giving the Love that Heals – a Guide for Parents – Dr. Harville Hendrix
I’m OK, You’re OK – Thomas and Amy Harris
Staying OK – Thomas and Amy Harris
Games People Play – Dr. Eric Berne
Scripts People Live – Claude Steiner


Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus – John Gray
Relationship Rescue – Dr Phil. Mc Graw
The Five Love Languages – Gary Chapman
Getting back Together – Dr Bettie Youngs and Dr. Masa Goetz
Living with someone who’s living with Bipolar Disorder – Chelsea Lowe and Dr. Bruce Cohen
Loving someone with Bipolar Disorder – Julie Fast and Dr. John Preston


Helping your Kids Cope with Divorce the Sandcastles Way – Gary Neuman
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Spiritual Divorce – Debbie Ford
The Divorce Book – Dr. Matthew McKay, Dr. Peter Rogers, Joan Blades and Richard Gosse
Single Parent, Double Power – Catherine Glennie
The Courage to be a Single Mother – Sheila Ellison
Fathers after Divorce – Michael Green

Post-divorce & Blended Families

Re-married with Children – Barbara LeBey
Divorce Poison – Dr. Richard Warshak

Grief & Loss

The Journey through Grief and Loss – Robert Zucker
Understanding your Grief – Dr. Alan D. Wolfelt


Stress, Appraisal and Coping – Lazarus, R.S. & Folkman, S (1984). New York: Springer

Coping with Exams

Coping with examinations: Exploring relationships between students’coping strategies, implicit theories of ability, and perceived control – Doron, J.; Stephan, Y.; Boiche, J.; & Le Scanff, C. (2009). British Journal of Educational Psychology, 79, (515-528)

Making exams a manageable task – Dundas, I.; Wormnes, B.; & Hauge, H. (2009). Nordic Psychology, 61(1), 26-41

Adaptive Coping with Test Situations: A review of the literature – Zeidner, M. (1995). Educational Psychologist, 30(3), 123-133

Dreams and Interpretation of Dreams

The Interpretation of Dreams – Sigmund Freud  
Dreams – Carl Jung
Awakening the Dreamer – P. Bromberg
Standing in the Spaces: Essays on Clinical Process, Trauma and Dissociation – P. Bromberg
Bringing in the dreamer: Some reflections on Dreamwork – P. Bromberg
On being one’s dreams – P. Bromberg
Tracks in the Wilderness of Dreaming – R. Bosnak

Overcoming Childhood Trauma

Kennerley, H (2000). Overcoming Childhood Trauma, A Self-Help Guide using Cognitive Behavioural Techniques. Robinson Publishing, London.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook – Edmund J. Bourne
Devil in the Details: Scenes from an Obsessive Girlhood – Jennifer Traig
Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy for OCD – David A. Clark


Under the Tuscan Sun
The Bucket List
Life is Beautiful
Ground Hog Day
The Shawshank Redemption
As Good As It Gets


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247 Main Road,
Claremont, 7708
021 6711 204

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