Psychometric Assessments – Children & Adolescents
Exam and/or Academic Concession Assessments
This includes assessment for IEB learners.
Please note that the test battery below is a general guideline and orientation to the test process only. The actual test battery and areas to be assessed will be finalised according to each client’s specific referring concern with the psychologist during the intake interview.
The following are some of the more frequent reasons why a learner may need to be assessed for exam concessions:
- Eligibility for extra exam time based on processing speed (reading and/or writing speed)
- Spelling dispensation
- Appointment of a scribe
Testing Process (what to expect)?
- Intake interview with the parents to establish the exact requirements specific to your child.
- Exam concession evaluation: 4 to 6 hours (testing guideline only)
- Compilation of report
- Feedback session with parents (and learner, dependent on the learner’s age)
What tests can be used to evaluate my child in an exam concession assessment?
Intelligence Tests:
- Local: Senior South African Individual Scales – Revised (SSAIS-R)
- International: Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) / Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)
Reading Ability:
- Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT) – Reading Comprehension
- Edinburgh Reading Test
- Neale Analysis of Reading Ability
- ESSI Reading
- Speed & Grade Reading Tests
Writing Speed:
- Senior Aptitude Writing Speed Test
- 2 x 20 minute writing sample tests
Specific Scholastic areas of concern:
- WIAT : Spelling
- WIAT: Mathematics
- WIAT: Written Expression
- ESSI Spelling
- UCT Mathematics 1 minute tests
- VASSI Mathematics Proficiency Test
- Dsylexia Screening Tests